    Hi, I'm a girl and my name is Evelyne Tan ✿ // 14 years young // live in Indonesia, Surabaya to be exact // tbh I'm angsty and awkward.


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    Seven crappy hours of our life

    ARGSHSJSJ SCHOOL IS WEARING ME OUT. Don't get me wrong , I love my school, friends, and teachers but school is reaaaaally tiring, the fact that I'm in my last year of junior high, ofc there will be lots of exam and yes, I'm having pratical exam 2 weeks again, UGH REALLY.

    The practical exam is not that hard tho but I'm really worried about the english practical exam, the materials are too many! There are 2 parts, fist one is reading part, I need to watch a video (w/o subs) and then the teachers will give me questions about the video and then the speaking part, the topic is about "health and nutrition" and the topic is split into 4 parts (ads, talks about recipe or caterer, gives pep talks to anorexic or bullimic friend), we need to study all of it but at the day of the exam, the teacher will give sth like lottery to each student to pick which one is their exam material, so example "if I get 'talks about recipe' my speaking exam will be that.

    I reaaaally don't want to get the caterer thingy cs it seems difficult, but everything is difficult too ._. So wish me luck everybody! ☆

    Excuse my alay duckface, Chessa in the background

    My school, I don't really know why I took this pic...

     CRAZY POSE YOLO, when will I can take a pic with school lockers? I will be in the super national high school where there will be no lockers soon, throwback : art day

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    "Seven crappy hours of our life " was Posted On: Thursday, February 13, 2014 @8:53 AM | 0 lovely comments

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