    Hi, I'm a girl and my name is Evelyne Tan ✿ // 14 years young // live in Indonesia, Surabaya to be exact // tbh I'm angsty and awkward.


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    Annoying people and things at school

    So, I've been go to school for like 12 years so ofc I know there are LOTS of annoying people, so I decide to make a list since I'm bored right now, enjoy! (:

    1. The smart kid that always think their score is bad even tho they get freaking 8 or 9
    2. The kids who are so noisy and shout all the time (there is one kid in my school that always shout so loudly, ugh he is so annoying)
    3. The kids who stand in front of your locker while talking to their friends
    4. The kids who are always making others feel bad about themselves
    5. The kids who always sing or hum at class (this is me, there are some friends call me annoying and I know it and I am trying to change it :/)
    6. The kids who are so sensitive and they get so emotional all the time
    7. The kids who can't take joke even tho they joke all the time
    8. The kids who make you listen to their stories and rants until your ears bleed
    9. The kids who try to hard to be swag or sth else
    10. The kids who think they are funny by calling you your parent's name
    11. The gross kids (who pick their nose in public or even blurping)
    12. The kids who walk with their friends in big group really slowly to the point you can't move past them
    13. The do-I-look-fat girls who ask only to hear that they're not fat
    14. The girls who think being stupid is cute
    15. The boys who think being immature or lame or bad things are cool
    16. The heartbreaker
    17. The kids who think they always have to be number one
    18. The kids who crave for attention
    19. The emos
    20. The kids who always tell you the right lyric when you sing off the lyric
    21. The dramaqueen
    22. The kids who cursed too much
    23. The kids who always losing purposely in truth or dare so that they can do dare with their crush
    24. The kids who tap their feet on test
    25. The kids who make fun of people with disabilities
    26. The racist kids
    27. The goody two shoes and the try hard teacher's pet
    28. That one girl in your friend group that hates you
    29. The kids who always use annoying catchphrases like YOLO, LOL.. what the heck
    30. The kids who laugh at everything
    31. The hypocrite kids who hate bullying but they do it
    32. The kid who never do their homework and copy your homework like every single time
    33. Wannabe gangsters
    34. The kids who seem to have whole different personality on media social 
    35. The boys who are sooo pervert and giggle when they talk about something dirty in class and top of that in front of girls, ew
    36. The kids who never do anything in group work but still get scores
    37. The kids who want to know everything you talk (me...)
    38. When someone coughing and sniffing up a storm during a test 
    39. When you have a gum and everyone suddenly come to you and ask you for it
    40. But, like at the same time... when people won't give you one piece of gum
    41. The kids who never bring money and always borrow money
    42. The kids who complain about bad grades
    43. The kids who repeat themselves
    44. The kids who treat me like a fool
    45. The kids with poor personal hygiene

    If you feel that I have missed someone who should be on this list, then feel free to comment! Byeeee.

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    "Annoying people and things at school" was Posted On: Monday, February 17, 2014 @7:31 AM | 0 lovely comments

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